Category Archives: analytics

Stattleship! Sport Stats API

I’ve been in contact with the team over at Stattleship. They have a cool API that allows you to get various stats for basketball, football and hockey. I used data from that API to create the following data visualization for their blog. The visualization shows the offensive and special team yards gained by each team remaining in the playoffs. The yardage is totaled for the entire season as well as the one playoff game each team played. I’ve displayed the points off of offensive TDs and special teams scoring, and that score is color coded with to wins and loses. A black background is a win, and a white background is a loss.


Emoji iOS 9.1 Update — The Taco Emoji Analysis

Before I get too far I don’t actually analysis taco emojis. At least not yet. I, however, give you the tools to start parsing them from tweets, text or anything you can get into Python.

This past month Apple released their iOS 9.1 and their latest OS X 10.11.1 El Capitan update. That updated included a bunch of new emojis. I’ve made a quick primer on how to handle emoji analysis in Python. Then when Apple released an update to their emojis to include the diversity, I updated my small Python class for emoji counting to include to the newest emojis. I also looked at what is actually happening with the unicode when diversity modifier patches are used.

Click for Updated socialmediaparse Library

With this latest update, Apple and the Unicode Consortium didn’t really introduce any new concepts, but I did update the Python class to include the newest emojis. In my GitHub the data folder includes a text file with all the emojis delimitated by ‘\n’. The class uses this file to find any emoji’s in a unicode string which has been passed to the add_emoji_count() method.

Building off of the diversity emoji update, I added a skin_tone_dict property of the EmojiDict class. This property returns a dictionary with the number of unique human emojis per tweet and their skin tones. This property will not catch multiple human emojis written if they in the same execution of the add_emoji_count() method

import socialmediaparse as smp #loads the package
counter = smp.EmojiDict() #initializes the EmojiDict class
#goes through list of unicode objects calling the add_emoji_count method for each string
#the method keeps track of the emoji count in the attributes of the instance
for unicode_string in collection:
#output of the instance
print counter.dict_total #dict of the absolute total count of the emojis in corpus
print counter.dict       #dict of the count of strings with the emoji in corpus
print counter.baskets    #list of lists, emoji in each string.  one list for each string.
print counter.skin_tones_dict #dictionary of unique emoji emojis aggregated by the counter.

#print counter.skin_tones_dict output
#{'human_emoji': 4, '\\U0001f3fe': 1, '\\U0001f3fd': 1, '\\U0001f3ff': 0, '\\U0001f3fc': 2, '\\U0001f3fb': 1}
counter.create_csv(file='emoji_out.csv')  #method for creating csv

Above is an example of how to use the new attribute. It is a dictionary so you can work that into your analysis however you like. I will eventually create better methods and outputs to make this feature more robust and useful.

The full code / class I used in this post can be found on my GitHub .

Baseball Twitter Roller Coaster

Because Twitter is fun and so are graphs, I have tweet volume graphs from my Twitter scraper that collects tweets with the team-specific nicknames and Twitter handles. After a trade (or non-trade), the data can be collected and a graphical picture of the reaction can be produced. The graph represents the volume of sampled tweets that contained the specific keywords: Mets, Gomez, Flores and Hamels. “Tears” is a collection of any tweets which mentioned either “tears” or “crying”, since Flores was in tears as he took the field.

Here are the reactions to the Gomez non-trade and Hamels trade last night:


And here’s the timeline of necessary tweets:
[All times are EDT.]

July 29
9:00 PM

9:45 PM

9:54 PM

10:15 PM

10:55 PM

July 30
12:13 AM

Some of the times were rounded if there wasn’t a clear single tweet that caused the peak on Twitter.

Using New, Diverse Emojis for Analysis in Python

I haven’t been updating this site often since I’ve started to perform a similar job over at FanGraphs. All non-baseball stat work that I do will continued to be housed here.

Over the past week, Apple has implemented new emojis with a focus on diversity in their iOS 8.3 and the OS X 10.10.3 update. I’ve written quite a bit about the underpinnings of emojis and how to get Python to run text analytics on them. The new emojis provide another opportunity to gain insights on how people interact, feel, or use them. Like always, I prefer to use Python for any web scraping or data processing, and emoji processing is no exception. I already wrote a basic primer on how to get Python to find emoji in your text. If you combine the tutorials I have for tweet scraping, MongoDB and emoji analysis, you have yourself a really nice suite of data analysis.

Modifier Patch

These new emojis are a product of the Unicode Consortium’s plan for how to incorporate racial diversity into the previously all-white human emoji line up. (And yes, there’s a consortium for emoji planning.) The method used to produce new emojis isn’t quite as simple as just making a new character/emoji. Instead, they decided to include a modifier patch at the end of human emojis to indicate skin color. As a end-user, this won’t affect you if you have all the software updates and your device can render the new emojis. However, if you don’t have the updates, you’ll get something that looks like this:

Emoji Patch Error
That box at the end of the emoji is the modifier patch. Essentially what is happening here is that there is a default emoji (in this case it’s the old man) and the modifier patch (the box). For older systems it doesn’t display, because the old system doesn’t know how to interpret this new data. This method actually allows the emojis to be backwards compatible, since it still conveys at least part of the meaning of the emoji. If you have the new updates, you will see the top row of emoji.

Emoji Plus Modifier Patches

Using a little manipulation (copying and pasting) using my newly updated iPhone we can figure out this is what really is going on for emojis. There are five skin color patches available to be added to each emoji, which is demonstrated on the bottom row of emoji. Now you might notice there are a lot of yellow emoji. Yellow emojis (Simpsons) are now the default. This is so that no single real skin tone is the default. The yellow emojis have no modifier patch attached to them, so if you simply upgrade your phone and computer and then go back and look at old texts, all the emojis with people in them are now yellow.

New Families

The new emoji update also includes new families. These are also a little different, since they are essentially combinations of other emoji. The original family emoji is one single emoji, but the new families with multiple children and various combinations of children and partners contain multiple emojis. The graphic below demonstrates this.

Emoji New Familes

The man, woman, girl and boy emoji are combined to form that specific family emoji. I’ve seen criticisms about the families not being multiracial. I’d have to believe the limitation here is a technical one, since I don’t believe the Unicode consortium has an effective method to apply modifier patches and combine multiple emojis at once. That would result in a unmanageable number of glyphs in the font set to represent the characters. (625 different combinations for just one given family of 4, and there are many different families with different gender iterations.)

New Analysis

So now that we have the background on the how the new emojis work, we can update how we’ve searched and analyzed them. I have updated my emoji .csv file, so that anyone can download that and run a basic search within your text corpus. I have also updated my github to have this file as well for the socialmediaparse library I built.

The modifier patches are searchable, so now you can search for certain swatches (or lack there of). Below I have written out the unicode escape output for the default (yellow) man emoji and its light-skinned variation. The emoji with a human skin color has that extra piece of code at the end.

#unicode escape
\U0001f468 #unmodified man
\U0001f468\U0001f3fb  #light-skinned man

Here are all the modifier patches as unicode escape.

Emoji Modifier Patches

#modifier patch unicode escape
\U0001f3fb  #skin tone 1 (lightest)
\U0001f3fc  #skin tone 2
\U0001f3fd  #skin tone 3
\U0001f3fe  #skin tone 4
\U0001f3ff  #skin tone 5 (darkest)

The easiest way to search for these is to use the following snippet of code:

#searches for any emoji with skin tone 5
unicode_object = u'Some text with emoji in it as a unicode object not str!'

if '\U0001f3ff' in unicode_object.encode('unicode_escape'):
   #do something

You can throw that snippet into a for loop for a Pandas data frame or a MongoDB cursor. I’m planning on updating my socialmediaparse library with patch searching, and I’ll update this post when I do that.


Finally, there’s Spock!

Emoji Spock

The unicode escape for Spock is:


Add your modifier patches as needed.

Collecting Twitter Data: Getting Started

Part I: Introduction | Part II: Getting Started [current page] | Part III: Using a Python Stream Listener | Part IV: Storing Tweets in MongoDB | Part V: Twitter JSON to CSV — Errors | Part VI: Twitter JSON to CSV — ASCII | Part VII: Twitter JSON to CSV — UTF-8

The R code used in this post can be found on my git-hub.

After getting R, Python or whatever programming language you prefer, the next steps will require API keys from Twitter. This requires you have to have a Twitter account and to create an ‘application’ using the following steps.

Getting API Keys

  1. Sign into Twitter
  2. Go to and create a new application

    twitter register app

  3. Click on “Keys and Access Tokens” on the your application’s page

    twitter access keys

  4. Get and copy your Consumer Key, Consumer Secret Key, Access Token, and Secret Token

    twitter oauth screen

Those four complex strings of case-sensitive letters and numbers are your API keys. Keep them secret, because they are more powerful than your Twitter password. If you are wondering what the keys are for, they are really two pairs of keys consisting of secret and non-secret, and this is done for security purposes. The consumer key pair authorizes your program to use the Twitter API, and the access token essentially signs you in as your specific Twitter user account. This framework makes more sense in the context of third party Twitter developers like TweetDeck where the application is making API calls but it needs access to each user’s personal data to write tweets, access their timelines, etc.

Getting Started in R

If you don’t have a preference for a certain programming environment, I recommend that people with less programming experience start with R for tweet scraping since it is simpler to collect and parse the data without having to understand much programming. The Streaming API authentication I use in R is slightly more complicated than what I normally do with Python. If you feel comfortable with Python, I recommend using the tweepy package for Python. It’s more robust than R’s streamR but has a steeper learning curve.

First, like most R scripts, the libraries need to be installed and called. Hopefully you already installed if not the install.packages commands are commented out for reference.


The first part of the actually code for a Twitter scraper will use the API keys obtained from Twitter’s development website. You insert your personal API keys where the **KEY** is in the code. For this method of authentication in R it only uses the CONSUMER KEY and CONSUMER SECRET KEY and it gets your ACCESS TOKEN from a PIN number from using an web address you open in your browser.

#create your OAuth credential
credential <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey='**CONSUMER KEY**',
                         consumerSecret='**CONSUMER SECRETY KEY**',

#authentication process
options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")))
download.file(url="", destfile="cacert.pem")

After this is executed properly, R will give you output in your console that looks like the following:

twitter handshake

  1. Copy the https:// URL into a browser
  2. Log into Twitter if you haven't already
  3. Authorize the application
  4. Then you'll get the PIN number to copy into the R console and hit Enter

    twitter pin

Now that the authentication handshake was completed, the R program is able to use those credentials to make API calls. A basic call using the Streaming API is the filterStream() function in the streamR package. This will connected you to Twitter's stream for a designated amount of time and/or for a certain number of tweets collected.

#function to actually scrape Twitter
             track="twitter", tweets=1000, oauth=cred, timeout=10, lang='en' )

The track parameter tells Twitter want you want to 'search' for. It's technically not really a search since you are filtering the Twitter stream and not searching...technically. Twitter's dev site has a nice explanation of all the Streaming APIs parameters. For example, the track parameter is not case sensitive, it will treat hashtags and regular words the same, and it will find tweets with any of the words you specify, not just when all the words are present. The track parameter 'apple, twitter' will find tweets with 'apple', tweets with 'twitter', and tweets with both.

The filterStream() function will stay open as long as you tell it to in the timeout parameter [in seconds], so don't set it too long if you want your data quickly. The data Twitter returns to you is a .json file, which is a JavaScript data file.

twitter json

The above is an excerpt from a tweet that's been formatted to be easier to read. Here's a larger annotated version of a tweet JSON file. Thes are useful in some contexts of programming, but for basic use in R, Tableau, and Excel it's gibberish.

There are a few different ways to parse the data into something useful. The most basic [and easiest] is to use the parseTweets() function that is also in streamR.

#Parses the tweets
tweet_df <- parseTweets(tweets='tweets_test.json')

This is a pretty simple function that takes the JSON file that filterStream() produced, reads it, and creates a wide data frame. The data frame can be pretty daunting, since there is so much metadata available.

twitter data frame

You might notice some of the ?-mark characters. These are text encoding errors. This is one of the limitations of using R to parse the tweets, because the streamR package doesn't handle utf-8 characters well in its functions. This means that R can only read basic A-Z characters and can't translate emoji, foreign languages, and some punctuation. I'd recommend using something like MongoDB to store tweets or create your own parser if you want be able to use these features of the text.

Quick Analysis

This tutorial focuses on how to collect Twitter data and not the intricacies of analyzing it, but here are a few simple examples of how you can use the tweet data frame.

#using the Twitter data frame

plot(tweet_df$friends_count, tweet_df$followers_count) #plots scatterplot
cor(tweet_df$friends_count, tweet_df$followers_count) #returns the correlation coefficient

The different columns within the data frame can be called separately. Calling the created_at field gives you the tweet's time stamp, and the text field is the content of the tweet. Generally, there will be some correlation between the number of followers a person has [followers_count] and the number of accounts a person follows [friends_count]. When I ran my script I got a correlation of about 0.25. The scatter plot will be heavily impacted by the Justin Biebers of the world where they have millions of followers but follow only a few themselves.


This is quick-start tutorial to collecting Twitter data. There are plenty of resources to be found on Twitter's developer site and all over the internet. While this tutorial is useful to learn the basics of how the OAuth process works and how Twitter returns data, I recommend using a tool like Python and MongoDB which can give you greater flexibility for analysis. Collecting tweets is the foundation of using Twitter's API, but you can also get user objects, trends, or accomplish anything that you can in a Twitter client with the REST and Search APIs.


The R code used in this post can be found on my git-hub.

Part I: Introduction | Part II: Getting Started [current page] | Part III: Using a Python Stream Listener | Part IV: Storing Tweets in MongoDB | Part V: Twitter JSON to CSV -- Errors | Part VI: Twitter JSON to CSV -- ASCII | Part VII: Twitter JSON to CSV -- UTF-8

Collecting Twitter Data: Introduction

Part I: Introduction [current page] | Part II: Getting Started | Part III: Using a Python Stream Listener | Part IV: Storing Tweets in MongoDB | Part V: Twitter JSON to CSV — Errors | Part VI: Twitter JSON to CSV — ASCII | Part VII: Twitter JSON to CSV — UTF-8

Collecting Twitter data is a great exercise in data science and can provide interesting insights in how people behave on the social media platform. Below is an overview of the steps to build a Twitter analysis from scratch. This tutorial will go through several steps to arrive at being able to analyze Twitter data.

  1. Overview of Twitter API does
  2. Get R or Python
  3. Install Twitter packages
  4. Get Developer API Key from Twitter
  5. Write Code to Collect Tweets
  6. Parse the Raw Tweet Data [JSON files]
  7. Analyze the Tweet Data


Before diving into the technical aspects of how to use the Twitter API [Application Program Interface] to collect tweets and other data from their site, I want to give a general overview of what the Twitter API is and isn’t capable of doing. First, data collection on Twitter doesn’t necessarily produce a representative sample to make inferences about the general population. And people tend to be rather emotional and negative on Twitter. That said, Twitter is a treasure trove of data and there are plenty of interesting things you can discover. You can pull various data structures from Twitter: tweets, user profiles, user friends and followers, what’s trending, etc. There are three methods to get this data: the REST API, the Search API, and the Streaming API. The Search API is retrospective and allows you search old tweets [with severe limitations], the REST API allows you to collect user profiles, friends, and followers, and the Streaming API collects tweets in real time as they happen. [This is best for data science.] This means that most Twitter analysis has to be planned beforehand or at least tweets have to be collected prior to the timeframe you want to analyze. There are some ways around this if Twitter grants you permission, but the run-of-the-mill Twitter account will find the Streaming API much more useful.

The Twitter API requires a few steps:

  1. Authenticate with OAuth
  2. Make API call
  3. Receive JSON file back
  4. Interpret JSON file

The authentication requires that you get an API key from the Twitter developers site. This just requires that you have a Twitter account. The four keys the site gives you are used as parameters in the programs. The OAuth authentication gives your program permission to make API calls.

The API call is an http call that has the parameters incorporated into the URL like
This Streaming API call is asking to connect to Twitter and tracks the keyword ‘twitter’. Using prebuilt software packages in R or Python will hide this step from you the programmer, but these calls are happening behind the scenes.

JSON files are the data structure that Twitter returns. These are rather comprehensive with the amount of data, but hard to use without them being parsed first. Some of the software packages have built-in parsers or you can use a NoSQL database like MongoDB to store and query your tweets.

Get R or Python

While there are many different programing languages to interface with the API, I prefer to use either Python or R for any Twitter data scraping. R is easier to use out of the box if you are just getting started with coding, and Python offers more flexibility. If you don’t have either of these, I’d recommend installing then learning to do some basic things before tackling Twitter data.

Download R:
R Studio: [optional]

Download Python:

Install Twitter Packages

The easiest way to access the API is to install a software package that has prebuilt libraries that makes coding projects much simpler. Since this tutorial will primarily be focused on using the Streaming API, I recommend installing the streamR package for R or tweepy for Python. If you have a Mac, Python is already installed and you can run it from the terminal. I recommend getting a program to help you organize your projects like PyCharm, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

[in the R environment]


[in the terminal, assuming you have pip installed]

$ pip install tweepy


Part I: Introduction [current page] | Part II: Getting Started | Part III: Using a Python Stream Listener | Part IV: Storing Tweets in MongoDB | Part V: Twitter JSON to CSV — Errors | Part VI: Twitter JSON to CSV — ASCII | Part VII: Twitter JSON to CSV — UTF-8

SOTU Title

2015 State of the Union Address — Text Analytics

I collected tweets about the 2015 State of the Union address [SOTU] in real time from 10am to 2am using the keywords [obama, state of the union, sotu, sotusocial, ernst]. The tweets were analyzed for sentiment, content, emoji, hashtags, and retweets. The graph below shows Twitter activity over the course of the night. The volume of tweets and the sentiment of reactions were the highest during the latter half of the speech when Obama made the remark “I should know; I won both of them” referring to the 2008 & 2012 elections he won.

2015 State of the Union Tweet Volume

Throughout the day before the speech, there weren’t many tweets and they tended to be neutral. These tweets typically contained links to news articles previewing the SOTU address or reminders about the speech. Both of these types of tweets are factual but bland when compared to the commentary and emotional reaction that occurred during the SOTU address itself. The huge spike in Twitter traffic didn’t happen until the President walked onto the House floor which was just before 9:10 PM. When the speech started, the sentiment/number of positive words per tweet increased to about 0.3 positive words/tweet suggesting that the SOTU address was well received. [at least to the people who bothered to tweet]

Around 7:45-8:00 PM the largest negative sentiment occurred during the day. I’ve looked back through the tweets from that time and couldn’t find anything definitive that happened to cause that. My conjecture would be that is when news coverage started [and strongly opinionated] people started watching the news and began to tweet.

The highest sentiment/number of positive words came during the 15-minute polling window where the President quipped about winning two elections. Unfortunately, that sound bite didn’t make a great hashtag, so it didn’t show up else where in my analysis. However, there are many news articles and discussion about that off-the-cuff remark, and it will probably be the most memorable moment from the SOTU address.


Once again [Emoji Popularity Link], the crying-my-eyes-out emoji proved to be the most used emoji in SOTU tweets, typically being used in tweets which aren’t serious and generally sarcastic. Not surprisingly, the clapping emoji was the second most popular emoji mimicking the copious ovations the SOTU address receives. Other notable popular emoji are the fire, US flag, the zzzz emoji and skull. The US flag reflects the patriotic themes of the entire night. The fire is generally reflecting praise for Obama’s speech. The skull and zzzz are commenting on spectators in the crowd.

2015 State of the Union Twitter Emoji Use

Two topic-specific emoji counts were interesting. For the most part in all of my tweet collections, the crying-my-eyes-out emoji is exponentially more popular than any other emoji. Understandably, the set of tweets that contained language associated with terrorism had more handclaps, flags, and angry emoji reflecting the serious nature of the subject.

2015 State of the Union Subject Emojis

Then tweets corresponding to the GOP response had a preponderance of pig-related emojis due to Joni Ernst’s campaign ad.


The following hashtag globe graphic is rather large. Please enlarge to see the most popular hashtags associated with the SOTU address. I removed the #SOTU hashtag, because it was use extensively and overshadowed the rest. For those wondering what #TCOT means, it stands for Top Conservatives on Twitter. The #P2 hashtag is its progressive counterpart. [Source]

2015 State of the Union Hashtag Globe


The White House staff won the retweeting war by being the two most retweeted [RT] accounts during the speech last night. This graph represents the total summed RTs over all the tweets they made. Since the White House and the Barack Obama account tweeted constantly during the speech, they accumulated the most retweets. Michael Clifford has the most retweeted single tweet stating he is just about met the President. If you are wondering who Michael Clifford is, you aren’t alone, because I had to look him up. He’s the 19-yo guitarist from 5 Seconds of Summer. The tweet is from August, however, people did retweet it during the day. [I was measuring the max retweet count on the tweets.] Rand Paul was the most retweeted non-President politician, and the Huffington Post had the most for a news outlet.

2015 State of the Union Popular Retweets

The Speech

Obama released his speech online before starting the State of the Union address. I used this for a quick word-count analysis, and it doesn’t contain the off-the-cuff remarks just the script, which he did stick to with few exceptions. The first graph uses the count of single words with ‘new’ being by far the most used word.

2015 State of the Union Address Word Frequency

This graph shows the most used two-word combinations [also known as bi-grams].

2015 State of the Union Address Bigram Frequency

Further Notes

I was hoping this would be the perfect opportunity to test out my sentiment analysis process, and the evaluation results were rather moderate achieving about 50% accuracy on three classes [negative, neutral, positive]. In this case 50% is an improvement over a 33% random guess, but not very encouraging overall. For the sentiment portion in the tweet volume graph, I used the bag-of-words approach that I have used many times before.

A more interesting and informative classifier might look try to classify the tweet into sarcastic/trolling, positive, and angry genres. I had problems classifying some tweets as positive and negative, because there were many news links, which are neutral, and sarcastic comments, which look positive but feel negative. For politics, classifying the political position might be more useful, since a liberal could be mocking Boehner one minute, then praising Obama the next. Having two tweets classified as liberal rather than a negative tweet and a positive tweet is much more informative when aggregating.

emoji header

The Most Popular Emoji Characters on Twitter

On Twitter, about 10% of general-topic tweets contain emoji characters, the tiny icons and emoticons, which are starting to get more attention when analyzing tweets, Facebook messages, or text messages. An emoji [] can capture an emotion or completely change the meaning of the written text. Before exploring how different emojis are used and what they mean to people, I wanted to get an idea of how prevalent they are and which ones are the most popular on Twitter.


Changes Meaning:

How I Did This

I collected tweets using a sampled stream from Twitter. In order to get a general representative sample of tweets, I tracked five popular, basic words: ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘to’, ‘you’, and ‘it’. These words are good search words, since there aren’t many sentences or thoughts that don’t use them. A Python script was used to find and count all the the emojis present in a collection of over 100,000 tweets. To avoid skewing due to a popular celebrity or viral tweet, I removed any retweets which were obvious retweets, and not retweets which function more like mentions.


Emoji Use on Twitter

In the general collection of tweets, I found that 10.23% of tweets contained at least one emoji. So there isn’t an overwhelming number of tweets which contain an emoji, but 10% of Twitter content is a significant portion. The ‘Emoji Selection’ graph shows the percentage of tweets containing that particular emoji out of the tweets that HAD an emoji in it. The most popular emoji by and far was the ‘tears of joy’ emoji followed by the ‘loudly crying’ emoji . Heart-related emoji [the ones I thought would prove most popular] was third and fourth.

Emoji Selection on Twitter

Since I only collected these over the course of a day and not over several weeks or months, I would be hesitant to think these results would hold up over time. An event or seasonality can trigger a cascade of people using a certain emoji. For example, the Christmas tree emoji was popular being present in 2.16% of tweets that included emojis; this would be expected to get larger as we get closer to Christmas and smaller after Christmas. Another interesting find is that the emoji ranks high. My pure conjecture is that this emoji’s high use rate is due to protests in Ferguson and around the country. To confirm this I would need a sample of tweets from before the grand jury announcement or track the use as time passes.

Further analysis could utilize emoji groups or clusters. Emojis with similar meanings would not necessarily produce a high number if people spread their selection over 5 emoji instead of one. I plan to update this and expand on this as time passes and I’m able to collect more data.


In order to avoid any conflicts with ASCII conversions that some Python or R packages do on Twitter data, I stored tweets from the Twitter Streaming API directly into a MongoDB database, which encodes strings in UTF-8. Since tweets come from the API as a JSON object, they can be naturally stored in the document-orientated database with each metadata field in the tweet being accessible without parsing the entire tweet into a data frame or SQL database. Retweets were removed by finding any tweets with ‘RT’ in the first two characters of the text entry. This is how Twitter represents automatic retweets in JSON format.

Also since I collected 103,416 tweets the margin of error for any of the proportions given are well below 1%. Events within the social network would definitely outweigh any margin of error.

Emoji, UTF-8, and Python

I have updated [better] code that allows for easy counting of emoji’s in string objects in Python, it can be found on my GitHub. I have a two counting classes in a mini-package loaded there.

Emoji [], those ubiquitous emoticons that popped up when iPhone users found them in 2011 with iOS 5 are a different set of characters aside from the traditional alphanumeric and punctuation characters. These are essentially another alphabet, and this concept will be useful when using the emoji in Python. Emoji are NOT a font like Wingdings from Windows95, they are unique characters with no corresponding letter or symbol representation. If you have a document or webpage that has the Wingding font, you can simply change the font to a typical Latin font to see the normal characters the Wingding font represents.

Technical Background

Without getting into the technical encoding problems, emoji are defined in Unicode and UTF-8, which can represent just about a million characters. A lot of applications or software packages default to ASCII, which only encodes the typical 128 characters. Some Python IDEs, csv writing packages, or parsing software default to or translate to ASCII, so they don’t necessarily handle the emoji characters properly.

I wrote a Python script [or this Python ‘package’] that takes tweets that are stored in a MongoDB database (more on that later) and counts the number of different emoji in the tweet corpus. To make sure Python plays nice with the emojis, first I loaded in the data by making sure I had UTF-8 encoding specified otherwise you’ll get this encoding error:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf0 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

I loaded an emoji key I made using all the emoji’s in Apple’s implementation by loading this code into a Panda’s data frame:

emoji_key = pd.read_csv('emoji_table.txt', encoding='utf-8', index_col=0)

If Python loads you data in correctly with UTF-8 encoding, each emoji will be treated as separate unique character, so string function and regular expressions can be used to find the emoji’s in other strings such as Twitter text. In some IDEs emoji’s don’t display [Canopy] or don’t display well [PyCharm]. I remedied the invisible/messy emoji’s by running the script in Mac OS X’s terminal application, which displays emoji . Python can also produce an ASCII compliant string by using a unicode escape encoding:


The escape encoded string will display something like this:


All IDEs will display the ASCII string. You would need to decode it from the unicode escape to get it back into a unicode object. Ultimately I had a Pandas data frame containing unicode objects. To make sure the correct encoding was used on the output text file, I used the following code:

 with open('emoji_out.csv', 'w') as f: 
    emoji_count.to_csv(f, sep=',', index = False, encoding='utf-8')  

Emoji Counter Class

I made an emoji counter class in Python to simplify the process of counting and aggregating emoji counts. The code [socialmediaparse] is on my GitHub along with the necessary emoji data file, so it can load the key when the instance is created. Using the package, you can repeatedly call the add_emoji_count() method to change the internal count for each emoji. The results can be retrieved using the .dict, dict_total, and .baskets attributes of the instance. I wrote this because it organizes and simplifies the analysis for any social media or emoji application. Separate emoji dictionary counter objects can be created for different sets of tweets that someone would want to analyze.

import socialmediaparse as smp #loads the package

counter = smp.EmojiDict() #initializes the EmojiDict class

#goes through list of unicode objects calling the add_emoji_count method for each string
#the method keeps track of the emoji count in the attributes of the instance
for unicode_string in collection:

#output of the instance
print counter.dict_total #dict of the absolute total count of the emojis in corpus
print counter.dict       #dict of the count of strings with the emoji in corpus
print counter.baskets    #list of lists, emoji in each string.  one list for each string.

counter.create_csv(file='emoji_out.csv')  #method for creating csv


MongoDB was used for this project because the data stores the JSON files very well, not needing a parser or a csv writer. It also has the advantage of natively storing strings in UTF-8. If I used R’s StreamR csv parser, there would be many encoding errors and virtually no emoji’s present in the data. There might be possible work arounds, but MongoDB was the easiest way I’ve found to work with Twitter JSON, UTF-8 encoded data.

James Bond Hamiltonian Path

James Bond — Graph Theory

If you have every wondered if you could watch every James Bond movie without watching the same actor play James Bond in a row or how many different possibilities there were, you’ve unsuspectedly ventured into graph theory. Graph theory is basically the study of connected things. These can be bridges, social networks, or in this post’s case, James Bond films.

James Bond Example Graph

This is an example of what a graph is. There are nodes/vertices [the James Bond films] and edges [the connection between films that don’t have the same actor playing Bond]. This can be abstracted to many situations especially traveling salespeople. The graph above has six Bond films each one being connected to others that don’t have the same actor portraying Bond. Goldeneye and Die Another Day are connected to the other four non-Pierce Brosnan films, but not with each other.

When this is extended to all 23 films the graph becomes much busier.

All Bond Films Graph

The best way, I found to display this was in a circular graph with all the neighboring nodes being connected. To reiterate, this graph is drawn so only Bond films with different actors playing Bond are connected. Right away, you can clearly see that there is a way to watch all 23 films with the prescribed condition, since you can trace a circle through all 23 films on the graph.

The path created by watching every film without repeating has a named; it’s called a Hamiltonian path. And there are many, many different ways to achieve this in this graph. Unfortunately, there isn’t a succinct algorithm to find all of them short of programing an exhaustive search. Since I didn’t know the best way to approach this, I created a stochastic approach [Python code] to finding some of the possible Hamiltonian paths. A stochastic process uses randomness injected into an algorithm. The first Bond film in the path was selected at random, and so were subsequent films (nodes) that weren’t already visited.

James Bond Hamiltonian Path

This is just one of the possible Hamiltonian paths to fulfill the requirements of this post. The path goes [Tomorrow Never Dies, Live and Let Die, From Russia with Love, The Spy Who Loved Me, Goldfinger, Die Another Day, Moonraker, Dr. No, The Man with the Golden Gun, Casino Royale, GoldenEye, Skyfall, You Only Live Twice, License to Kill, Quantum of Solace, The Living Daylights, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, For Your Eyes Only, The World Is Not Enough, Octopussy, Diamonds Are Forever, A View to a Kill, Thunderball]

Unfortunately, the only way to find the total number of paths for this problem is an exhaustive search. I’m going to table that as a problem for later. I looped the stochastic Hamiltonian path program nearly 1 million times and found 757,733 different Hamiltonian path permutations. Practically, if I did figure out how many different unique paths there are, it will be another really high number.

Frequency of Bond Hamiltonian Paths in 999,999-N Run

What I do find interesting that until the algorithm is run enough times to start repeating paths, it will find a complete path [23 is a complete path — 23 total Bond films] about 75% of the time. Which means you have a pretty good chance to watch the movies in real life if you just pick randomly. I’d actually say you’d have a better than 75% chance because you can look ahead and use some reason so you don’t leave two of the same era films for last. For example, you could see you have three films left: 2 Sean Connery and 1 Roger Moore. You wouldn’t want to watch the Roger Moore film first, you’d logically choose the Sean Connery film. The best strategy I think would be to hold off on the George Lazenby film till the end in case you need bailed out. Conversely, you could do worse than random if you were biased in your choice of films. For example, if you prefer more recent films and alternated watching Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig films first, now you have fewer choices sooner.